Oxfam Ireland Homepage
  • 1 mins read time
  • Published: 2nd January 2024
  • Blog by Max Henderson

Webinar: Conflict hits the poorest the hardest

Let's talk about how conflict affects the poorest people the most!
Join our Webinar ➡️Conflict hits the poorest hardest.

When: February 28, 2024

Time: 5:30 PM (Irish Time)

Register Here: Webinar Registration - Zoom

We'll discuss how conflict makes poverty worse, messes with the climate, and makes life harder for women and girls.

Join the discussion and share your thoughts!

Through Ireland’s overseas development programme, Irish Aid, the Irish people contribute a small portion of their taxes to support development and humanitarian work carried out by organisations like us at Oxfam Ireland. We are working with communities impacted by conflict, disaster, poverty and inequality across the world.