Oxfam Ireland Homepage
Bridie is being volunteering with Oxfam Bray since 1983
  • 1 mins read time
  • Published: 24th October 2023
  • Blog by Samantha Andrades

Bridie's Amazing Four Decades of Volunteering

Meet Bridie, a true Oxfam Ireland legend! She joined the Oxfam Shop in Bray back in 1983.

It was the people, their warmth, and their genuine nature that made me find the heart to stay for four decades.
— Bridie, Oxfam Bray

One thing that hasn't changed, though, is Oxfam's physical premises. The place that has been the heart of their operations throughout the years still stands strong, witnessing the flow of volunteers and the impact they make.

When asked about her role, Bridie lights up. Sorting items may have been her main task, but she's always been eager to pitch in wherever needed. “Sure, there were moments of routine, but those were overshadowed by the unwavering dedication to the cause and the incredible camaraderie with her fellow volunteers.” It was the people who truly made the Oxfam experience exceptional for Bridie.

Bridie volunteers with Oxfam Ireland since 1983

It was in that Oxfam family that connections were formed, friendships blossomed, and that beautiful sense of belonging filled the air.

Bridie's story is a testament to the power of volunteering, the joy of being part of something bigger than oneself, and the incredible bonds that form along the way. She's left an indelible mark on Oxfam Ireland, and her dedication will be remembered for years to come.

Cheers to you, Bridie, and all the volunteers who make a difference every single day!