Oxfam Ireland Homepage
  • 2 min read
  • Published: 22nd May 2024
  • Press Release by Colin Carey

Real and brave leadership from Ireland - recognition of the State of Palestine “a landmark decision”

Decision must transcend symbolism – Oxfam

Reacting to Ireland’s move to recognise the state of Palestine, Oxfam Ireland CEO Jim Clarken said:

“Ireland is showing real and brave leadership on the international stage and today’s move strongly reinforces our commitment to a two-state solution to this longstanding conflict. Ireland is demonstrating solidarity with the Palestinian people in the strongest political terms and the clock cannot now be turned back.
Today’s move by Ireland and its allies should encourage other countries and the EU to join an unstoppable march to allow Palestine to take its rightful place as full, unquestioned members of the countries of the world.
“We know right now that the people of Gaza are starving and that UN agencies have regrettably had to halt aid operations in Rafah. Ireland stood by UNRWA in its hour of need. We need now to leverage today’s move to press for urgent life-saving aid to get to the people of Gaza.
“Oxfam has been operating in Palestine since the 1950s. We have managed to get humanitarian assistance to 335,906 people in Gaza, through local partners, since current hostilities began. Our focus must remain on the Gazans who struggle every hour to survive.
“Today I can truly say that we in Oxfam Ireland are proud of the leadership of the Irish government.
“We call on Ireland to maintain this momentum and to push for unhindered access for all humanitarian organisations into Gaza. There is no time to lose”

In reaction to countries – Ireland, Spain, Norway and others - recognising the State of Palestine, Sally Abi Khalil, Oxfam Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa said:

“This recognition is a landmark decision, and other countries must follow suit. It is a crucial step in affirming the Palestinian people's inalienable right to self-determination, but it must transcend beyond symbolism into concrete steps towards ending the Israeli occupation and achieving full sovereignty for the Palestinian State.
“This comes at a time when people in Gaza are driven out of their homes, facing horrors of mass starvation, disease and loss of lives.
“We urgently need an immediate and permanent ceasefire and an end to the blockade to end the death and destruction, to allow unfettered aid into Gaza and to ensure the release of the hostages and illegally detained Palestinian prisoners.
“We call upon leaders of those countries to also press harder for brokering a lasting and just peace, that is based on international law, and that ensures security and prosperity for both Palestinians and Israelis.”


Spokespersons are available for comment.

Contact Jacqui Corcoran, Oxfam Ireland Communications & Campaigns Manager, for further details/ to arrange interviews.

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