Oxfam Ireland Homepage
  • 2 min read
  • Published: 30th September 2018
  • Press Release by Ben Clancy

Oxfam ready to reach 100,000 people with lifesaving aid after Indonesia earthquake and tsunami




Sunday 30th September 2018

Oxfam plans to reach 100,000 people in Palu city and Donggala district in the coming days after a massive earthquake and tsunami hit towns on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi on Friday.

The aid agency and local partners will prioritise distributing ‘ready-to-eat’ meals, water, hygiene supplies and emergency shelter to those in need, while continuing to assess the devastating impact of this double disaster. Oxfam stands ready to deploy additional staff and resources to the area to support the Indonesian Government-led response. 

An estimated 1.5 million people could be affected by the earthquake and tsunami, in addition to the 830 confirmed fatalities. Initial reports suggest that at least 16,732 people were forced from their homes and are scattered across 23 sites, although this number is likely to rise. The main road linking the city of Palu to the rest of Central Sulawesi has been blocked by a landslide and the airport in Palu is operating at half capacity making access difficult.

Ancilla Bere, Oxfam’s Humanitarian Manager in Indonesia, said: “Access and communication remains a big concern with a key road cut off by a landslide and other infrastructure badly damaged. It is encouraging to hear that the Indonesian Armed Forces has mobilised military aircraft and helicopters to reach people in affected areas.”

Jim Clarken, Oxfam Ireland’s Chief Executive, said: “The more information we receive, the more catastrophic the situation appears to be. We know that hundreds of thousands of people are in urgent need of life-saving aid – clean water and sanitation to stop the spread of deadly disease; food and shelter to provide some strength and comfort to those who have lost everything, now traumatised and afraid.

“We’re ready to respond and to scale-up our response as and when required. We’re appealing to the Irish public to stand with us at this crucial time by donating at oxfamireland.org and are so grateful to all those who already have.”

To donate to Oxfam Ireland’s Indonesia Earthquake and Tsunami Appeal, visit https://www.oxfamireland.org/indonesia-earthquake


Spokespeople available here and in the region. For more information or to arrange an interview please contact: 

REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Alice Dawson-Lyons, on +353 (0) 83 198 1869/ alice.dawsonlyons@oxfam.org

NORTHERN IRELAND: Phillip Graham on 0044 (0) 7841 102535 / phillip.graham@oxfam.org