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Board Member and Oxfam CEO with Uganda partners

Trustees’ Week 2023

Meet some of the Oxfam Ireland's trustees

Trustee Joyce Bourne

Meet Joyce Bourne

Oxfam Ireland’s work to fight inequality, poverty and injustice and to advocate on issues of climate justice really resonated with me and I knew it would be a good fit for me

Donal Rooney Trustee

Meet Donal Rooney

Oxfam Ireland’s work is fundamentally about helping our fellow human beings who through no fault of their own must put up with abject poverty and injustice,” says Dónal Rooney.

Trustee Cathy Gaynor

Meet Cathy Gaynor

Raising our voice to highlight these issues and support positive change has never been more important.

The Board

Meet our full board

As a not-for-profit, charitable status company, Oxfam Ireland is governed by a maximum of 11 unpaid Trustees, known as Council or Board members